Thursday, July 31, 2008

Chuo Jiao.

And talking about Chuo Jiao .....

"Wild Horse Flipping Hoof" - MiZhong Quan.

Kinda remind me of Chuo Jiao's "back lifting" kick.

Wooden Dummy - CLF and Choy Mok.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

"Ape Power" Boxing.

Always wondered about this style; got a considerable collection of written texts describing histories, principles etc…

It is only these last couple of years that I managed to gather videos showing various lines of this system mainly from friends and relatives on the mainland and Taiwan.

And like many other CFK, there are many different expressions; will post demonstration from the various lines in this blog…..

Emei knees.

A page from a "Emei" book.

Love these close-range techniques :-

Scissors and knee .
Elbow uppercut and knee.

WuZu Quan / 5 Ancestors Boxing.

Collected quite a huge collection over the years about this style.
Will post over time.
For now, a page from a magazine....

From Penang.....

Write-ups about some good CKF friends in Penang. It has been a while since I sat down and have tea with these folks ........

From the not too distant past.

These days, stationed in Kuching, I don't have access to many publications either print or video.

So when I travel, to Kuala Lumpur or Singapore, I usually "stock-up".

One title, in particular, is on my must-buy list and that is "Traditional Chinese Kung Fu".

Besides good coverage, this mag is bi-lingual, which makes it all the more interesting.....

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Chin Woo Penang.


Give me a foot of respect and I will reciprocate with 10 feet......

Southern Grand Ancestor / Tai Chor Boxing.

And since we on the topic of Grand Ancestor Boxing, here's an articles about Tai Chor and the migration to Singapore.

Lian Hai.

Taken from a anniversary magazine published 22 years ago.

The school in question is "Lian Hai" or "United Seas" and my late Tai Chor Sigung, Quek Yong Hor, was one of their CKF advisors.

I remember someone telling me that this school also did "Yong Chun White Crane".

Monday, July 28, 2008

Fuzhou Cranes.

I posted this clip on youtube for my students in the US; trying it out here (embedding html code).
I got a bunch of very old video tapes taken over the years featuring my old school in Singapore and I got to convert them pronto!

I been asked - what style of Cranes do we do in the Fuzhou Association? Well, essentially 3 lines of Crane Boxing.

We got Sifus who taught both MingChiang and Putien Whooping Crane; you could tell them apart from the salutation sequences.

The MingChiang Crane is the more widespread style associated with Masters like the late Huang Xing Xian and Ruan Dong. If you examine their renditions, you could almost tell straightaway that they are fruits from the same tree.

The Putien version is, comparatively, harder and the opening salute is differentiated by a simple “Ming” salute with 2 open fingers sticking out rather than the whole palm. The open fingers symbolize a Crane singing.

These days, the more I work with Sifu Liang Ti Lien; the late Wong Yi Ing's senior disciple, the more I am swayed that his “Ming Zhong He” could share the same origin with my Putien Crane.

His “Ming Zhong” simply refers to “in the midst of MingNan” and MingNan is another way of saying Fukien.

The other style of Crane practiced by Fuzhou in Singapore is “Ancestral Crane”. This was later modified to “Fuzhou Crane”.

In the clip, you see snippets of both Whooping and Ancestral Crane forms.

"White Horse Presenting Hooves"

Got no detail regarding this traditional form. Extracted from a documentary featuring mainland's TCMA.

Looking at the form - rhythm, structure etc...this could be passed off as a Karate kata.... maybe it just me and my Carlsberg talking....

Lung Ying - Dragon Shape Boxing.

Again, this was posted somewhere else - re posting here just in case you need a better view....

Shaolin Lohan 2.

No Lohan form is complete without this one......

7 Stars Praying Mantis.2

Remember having this article posted somewhere incompletely. Well, here's the article in full.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

5 Animals Red Boxing.

Here's another Southern style that traces origin back to the Shaolin Temple.
Working on the translation of the book and once that's ready, I will include them here.

Yue Fei Quan

BubbleShare: Share photos - Play some Online Games.

Trying out this slideshow. If this works, it would make presenting old books easier that posting individual pic.

Martial Morals.

Something that we should all bear in our minds and hearts and expressed in our every behavior....

Oooops, a little preachy I know but this is Sunday and all ........

Shaolin Lohan.

Classic Lohan posture.

Drunken Boxing.

Drunken Boxing prior to "wushu-nization".......
This clip is a portion of the "8 Immortals" Drunken form.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Baji Quan.

Find more about Baji here.

Fanzi Quan

More info about this style here.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Another MiZhong technique.

Another technique from the same "108 Mizhong fighting techniques" - "Sending the gate guardian".

And just in case; you can click on all the pics for enlarged views, I am sure you know that already.........

Emei Kung Fu.

Got elbow techniques here again - this time extracted from a "Emei Fighting" book.

3 elbows combo ..... nice......

Muay Thai.

Something that will be consuming a lot of my focus in the coming months - Muay Thai.....

Some basic techniques from a Muay Thai training manual, enjoy!

7 Stars Praying Mantis.

Now for something of a different genre - Northern style Kung Fu.
First, 2 forms from 7 Stars Praying Mantis......

The "Cause"

Hahaha, received an email from a fellow Singaporean offering to help translate some of the old articles I got posted.

According to him, he wants to chip in to the "cause" and that got me what is the "cause" ?

Think this couplet says it all ........

PS. Ian, will be writing to you in the next few days with details .... Kam Sia .... Teh Si boh kick ma, ai chyong, boh pian must Carlsberg.....

Leopard from Shantung.

Another Sifu who helped shape Singapore's TCMA scene some 30+ years back.....