Saturday, August 23, 2008

"Shaolin Kung Fu" magazine.

This is another title that I used to get intermittently in Singapore in the 70s.

Remember this one bookshop along the way to my school; I walked 15 mins to school everyday, and they carried all sorts of mags from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia and even limited ones from the mainland.

The entire shop is lined with WuXia novels and I loved to just loiter. The owner is also some kind of CKF practitioner, I think.

Recently, when I was in Singapore, I went back looking for that shop but was told that they ceased operating some years back. This is in a older housing estate and the shop is located on the ground level of a 5 storeys apartment block. And there are talks about demolishing to build a taller building over that plot of land.

How that Eagles' song again? ..... they built a parking lot over my memories ..... something like that.....

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